These are today's words of wisdom from Dr. Dog:
The world may never know."
Truth is expressed through many different media... I have an affinity for finding Truth in song lyrics. This quote is from Dr. Dog's song "The World May Never Know," and it struck me today as I was sitting around, not doing much (a favorite Saturday pastime). I've recently been studying the effects of technology, namely the internet, on the social behaviors of children and teens for one of my classes, and one theme that continually arises is people's need for community. Many people look for fulfillment in trying to find a niche online, but there are so many others who either are looking for community and aren't being accepted or people who may not even recognize a need for others.
The truth is, no one is living this life alone. Just as there is no fish alone in the sea (thank you Dr. Dog), no person goes about their life without leaving an impact on others and being impacted by those around them.
It's one of the greatest struggles among Christians. We are here to reach the broken, whether they be among the church body or outside of it. Christ following people are called to be in relationship with others. Without others, we are nothing, and that is exactly why Jesus commanded us to "love others," reminded us of how "iron sharpens iron," and that we should 'treat others as we wish to be treated.'
We will not be truly alive until our lives are working in harmony for the purposes of God. We must depend on each other, seek out accountability, build community, and love beyond ourselves.
It hurts me to know how many people feel alone. We've all been there at one time or another, and we all seem to end up trying to fill our souls with something.
There is only One who can fill that void.
There is only One place to turn.
There is only One true love.
Oh Father let us never forget!
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