That's right a gang...
I'm almost certain there's only one. They call themselves the Bloodz, and considering I've met or spent time around the majority of the teenagers on the island by now... I think I can confidently say that there aren't actually any Crypts (Is that how you spell the name of the blue team?... I'm from the suburbs).
This "gang" mentality has developed somewhat slowly over the course of the three years I've been going to Saba from barely being noticeable the first year, starting to surface publicly the second year, and common, accepted knowledge this year.
The Bloodz of Saba aren't exactly the Bloodz of LA or New York...
As far as I can tell, from observation and a few conversations, the main source of anger between the Bloodz, and the unnamed, unorganized opposition is mostly boredom... However, the claim is that the fights and wars of words are in the name of "respect."
Yes, this is silly. I did my best to say that whenever I got the chance, because you see I know most of the Bloodz. As a matter-of-fact, I love those guys, they are all brothers and fellow children of God. Honestly, most of them aren't that bad of kids, and I know that they also love and respect those of us from Lipscomb. (Reminiscing makes me want to go back!).
But one night something occurred to me about gangs. We were talking at devo and one of the members of this group (eventually referred to as a "social club" by some of our team) mentioned that he hopes to be remembered as someone who gave respect even though he never got any (please, for all that is good, refrain from thinking of Rodney Dangerfield).
This got me to thinking about the structure of gangs, and what it is exactly that motivates them.
Safety? Respect? Companionship? A sense of belonging?.... Community?
I've been writing about this all semester it seems... There is an innate desire in all humankind to belong to a community.
We all want to belong to something bigger than ourselves.
Everybody wants to be surrounded by people who "have their back."
As my friend Akim (one of the higher-ups in the Bloodz) told me, "I got you man. You know that?" I'm not sure if there was a higher compliment he could have payed me... He was inviting me into his community. He was letting me know that we were family.
I guess I didn't even fully comprehend why Akim was so flattered when I told him I would take a bullet for him... He knew that I was allowing him into my community, and we are truly, brothers.
There's something to be said for a gang mentality... Not that anybody has to be more cutthroat or violent... Let's leave that part out of it.
But there is clearly a sense of pure community in the sense that each member of the gang is fully responsible for taking care of each of the other members.
They are individually committed to the greater good of the collective group.
I mean... you and I may not be fighting against fists, knives, or guns... but what's wrong with forming a community that defends against the evils of the world or just the little facts of life that bring us down?
Why can't each of us... as a community of faith... be individually dedicated to the well-being of our brothers and sisters who are constantly fighting in the same battles we find ourselves in?
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
If they fall down, they can help each other up.
But pity those who fall and have no one to help them up!
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
- Ecclesiastes 4:9-12